The methods of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) do of course also impact the world of building and asset operations. While it is still early days when in comes to the possibilities of these technologies, they can already be used to optimize various processes.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

When looking at the data typically stored in speedikon® Cwe are almost always talking about structured data. This means that from a technological point of view, machine learning methods are to be used rather than the traditional AI applications. Different algorithms that can analyze the data to identify patterns, correlations as well as typical behavior may be integrated in speedikon C. These methods may be used for different use cases. Implausible energy consumptions may be identified automatically. Imminent equipment failure or unplanned deterioration can be recognized prior to a system failing due to these problems. Even cost allocations can be monitored and checked for being out of character. In short, already today we and our customers are using these breaking edge IT technologies to analyze and monitor large amounts of data quickly and effectively. Thereby abnormalities or needs for action can be identified.
In addition to these algorithm-based approaches, we are also using “real” artificial intelligence in other fields. Speedikon® C can for example support the automatic classification and processing of hotline tickets and failure reports. The trained AI analyses and understands the contents of incoming hotline tickets, classifies them according into predefined categories and forwards them for further processing. Simple questions by users may be answered automatically by the AI without further input. This approach makes the time-consuming manual clearing and processing of tickets obsolete.
Since the technology is progressing very fast, the specialists in our B-IT Lab are constantly researching new methods and possibilities. If you are wondering how AI or ML may help you in your day-to-day business, do not hesitate to get in touch.